A newly established, professional business network for you who have international ambitions and see the strengths in having informal, but strong connections across both Denmark and the US.
The Rebild National Park Society contains untapped potential within the business world, thanks to our valuable connections on both sides of the Atlantic. We are able to bring key persons together and create a network otherwise unattainable.
We are just about to launch, alreday having with a solid group of business leaders who form the basis of the Rebild Society Business Club. It is our hope that you will join us and take part in building and developing the Rebild Society Business Club.
Our RNPS business sponsors increasingly demand better network opportunities – both in terms of business connections and social events. At the same time, we must be better at utilizing the strong bonds that exist within the Rebild National Park Society across Denmark and the US. We hope that you will join us. Because we need you – and you need us.
Best regards
Jørgen Bech Madsen
President of the Rebild National Park Society &
CEO of Fibertex Nonwovens A/S
As a member, you become part of a historical community that contributes to mainting the strong bonds between Denmark and the US. You will gain access to an influential network in both countries, which can be helpfull when you need to pull some strings that go around public institutions.
If you or a stationed employee need a social network in the US, the Rebild National Park Society has local chapters throughout the entire country for Danes and Americans with Danish roots.
In other words: You will gain access to connections which were otherwise out of reach.
We have great visions for our new business network and what we would like to offer in the long run. However, we start by facilitating the wishes and demands, presented by our professional partners today.
Call us: +45 22182040,
or write via info@rebildfesten.dk.